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Un tequila para mí y otro tequila por mi amigo
Why do you say “para mí” and “por mi amigo”?
- Para mí → I’m the destinee, I drink the tequila
- Por mi amigo → I drink tequila on behalf of my friend.
This joke is perfect to understand the difference between para and por.
In this situation we have a single person who drinks two tequilas: one of these tequilas he drinks on behalf of his Mexican friend.
However, both tequilas are “para mí” 😉
The situation would be very different if two friends go to a restaurant. Each orders a tequila and each drinks a tequila. In this case the proposition “para” would be used in both sentences: un tequila para mí and un tequila para mi amigo (who is here and drinks with me).
✏️ You might be interested in this exercise:
15 frases para practicar «por» y «para»

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